Business View Australia - January-February 2016 83
Adrian Booth, Business Development
Manager of Rocke Brothers describes
the operations, “Currently we are con-
structing a purpose-built facility in
Geelong. It is partially in conjunction
with the City of Geelong council. The
facility’s size is 10 acres with 50% be-
ing dedicated hardstand. The remain-
ing 5 acres gives us room to grow,
should the demand require it. We are,
and will continue to be the largest car-
rier in the area.
“We deliver things like timber, grain,
beer and cotton, we also work for a
number of freight forwarders, some of
whom are the biggest in the country.
Freight forwarders move everything so
we could be carrying various types of
“We now offer quarantine unpack-
ing inspection. We offer fumigation as
well. We have three warehouses on the
Brooklyn site where we unpack con-
tainers for clients’ and redeliver their
goods as many customers do not have
the capability of unloading a container
so we do it for them.”
At the time the decision to shift to
Geelong was taken, Rocke Brothers
Managing Director, Matt Simmons
said, “Rocke Brothers is committed to
being part of rebuilding economic en-
terprise in Geelong and looks forward
to being a part of a vibrant enterprise