82 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
quirements of its customers and owns
50 prime movers and 210 trailers in a
range of configurations. The availabil-
ity of different types of trailers allows
Rocke Brothers to execute jobs of var-
ious specifications. Among the trailers
that it owns are 5 ‘A’ Double combi-
nations, a ‘Super B’ Double combina-
tion, 25 ‘B’ Double combinations and
12 Sideloaders for placing of contain-
ers on the ground at customer’s ware-
The company also owns a full range
of skeletal trailers including tipping, re-
tractable, roll back and low profile. For
delivery of unitized cargo, Rocke Broth-
ers owns Tautliners and Flat Bed trail-
ers. In addition to these assets, it has
a team of 40 to 50 dedicated subcon-