102 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
also plays an active role in providing
a forum for the regular exchange of
views and
a m o n g s t
members of
the health
sector and
wards pro-
moting the
d e v e l o p -
ment and
education of public health workers.
The PHAA has been playing a cru-
cial role in the country’s national
health system by bringing many is-
sues of importance to the forefront
and by coordinating the efforts of
various people and agencies con-
cerned with public health. Over the
years it has been successful in this
role and its growing membership and
active participation in various issues
concerning public health, makes it
an important contributor to promot-
ing a robust health care system in
the country.
We would like to see a
greater investment in
keeping people well and
keeping them out of hospital