An employer of choice
As far as the work environment goes,
Wendy is an adamant believer in being
an “employer of choice”.
“We like to try and accommodate that
work-life balance for our employees.
We try to give them structured work
times so they are home every night,
especially the transport side of it with
the trucks. We double-shift most of
our operations so there’s no pressure
on them to work long hours”
The company’s involvement in the
community means, in part, that it’s al-
ways ensuring a stress-free environ-
ment for the employees. Aside from
the fact that Fennell Forestry supports
and sponsors a number of local sports
clubs and events, it also ensures that
each of its employees feel comfort-
able in their work and that they can
maintain a balance between their pro-
fessional and personal lives.
“We are heavily involved in the com-
munity. We support sporting clubs
and events that our employees are in-
volved in. We also run an annual truck
pull where we raise money for Variety.
We’ve raised about $36,500 for char-
ities including Variety and the Make-A-
Wish foundation. What we try and do
is operate a workplace where safety,
efficiency, and productivity are top pri-
orities”, says Wendy.