tronic scales which allow you to weigh
the product while it’s on the vehicle.
There’re have also been advance-
ments in the forestry equipment itself,
like the computers that are running the
harvesting heads”, comments Wendy.
Fennell Forestry has taken advan-
tage of these developments while also
keeping in line with the regulations of
the field. Logistics, for example, are
“more heavily compliance based”, ac-
cording to Wendy. Everything needs to
be documented and auditable so that
it meets the legislative requirements.
Wendy calls this a part of the “logistics
puzzle” which is ensuring that the re-
quirements of both the customers and
the legislative authorities are fully met.
The supply chain, another important
part of the business, has also gotten
bigger over the years. The company’s
mission statement of providing “con-
sistent quality service to customers”
involves a lot of hard work. Finding the
right equipment requires a lot of re-
search and smart purchase decisions.
Afterwards, the company also has to
train the right people for the right job
so that the equipment is properly used
and maintained. Preventative mainte-
nance also plays an important role in
the consistency of the service as it en-
sures that the company can always de-
liver its services when needed.