Business View Oceania - October/November 2017
The company also has the added ad-
vantage of using Nearmaps software
to determine the exact logistics of the
area it’s delivering to, to anticipate any
potential issues or dangers, and ad-
just its services as such.
“We do our best to eliminate any
problems that might occur on the day,
because in line with our company vi-
sion, we want to provide an experience
that’s essentially, stress free.”
Up to the time of delivery, the firm
has already made significant notes for
its drivers, even down to which way the
container door needs to face.
“We were never intending to be the
cheapest product on the market. We
prefer to be the business that gives
the peace of mind that comes with
Familial Focus
It’s clear through the way it manag-
es its staff, the people focused ethos
of AUSPODS is all-encompassing, not
just for show. All of its 42 staff have
undergone a comprehensive training
program, and the company makes