116 Business View Australia - June 2015
Australia is one of the largest
beef exporters in the world and
Wagyu beef, which is known inter-
nationally for its quality and fatty
well-marbled texture, occupies the
upper end of the market. Wagyu
beef has gained a reputation as a
superior product and commands a
high price as it is has a delicious
taste and is high in mono-un-
saturated fat which reduces the
risk of cardio vascular disease.
Australian Wagyu
The term Wagyu is of Japanese or-
igin and literally means Japanese
beef. The arrival of this breed in Aus-
tralia is interesting and is explained
by Graham Truscott, Executive Offi-
cer of the Association, “The Wagyu
breed started in Australia only about
20 years ago during the late 1980’s
and some of the key founders at that
time were players like Chris Walker
and the De Bruin family who exported
Wagyu genetics out of Japan to the
Brand Custodians for Premium Beef