Business View Australia - June 2015 111
ly good when they are in training
but the moment they go into the
field by themselves and they hav-
en’t got that safety blanket, they
tend to waver a bit and doubt
themselves on particular jobs.”
Once a franchisee completes his
training and starts operation in the
territory assigned to him, he can
seek advice from a technical help
line which is available seven days
a week. He can also log on to an
intranet site which provides 24/7
access. The company believes that
their support to franchisees has
resulted in the growth of Super-
finish Express over the years. The
company regularly organises field
visits and regional workshops and
publishes a bi-monthly newsletter
for the benefit of its franchisees
Use of the best environment-friend-
ly technology and equipment
One of the main reasons that Su-
perfinish Express has grown from
a single mobile unit in 1993 to 45
units currently, is its insistence on
the use of cutting edge technology
and the most modern equipment.
The company has been awarded
the only patent in repairing dam-
aged paintwork and its repair pro-
cesses are the best in the industry.
One of the important suppliers to
the company is 3M in the U.S.A
Caedmon Foy discloses the facts
regarding the company’s use of equip-
ment and material, “We use Ameri-
can designed turbine systems which
work on compressed air and there
is minimum over-spray. It keeps us
within the limits set by the California
Clean Air Act which is the most strin-
gent legislation regarding pollution
in the world. That gives us opportu-
nities to get into places where our
competition does not go, like govern-
ment facilities and aviation sites.
Competition, which tries to break into
the trade, specifically the area we op-