Business View Australia - June 2015 115
ber on
the side of
our vehicles.
This is because
we do not reach out to
the public, we are in the
trade and most of our busi-
ness comes from word-of-mouth.”
Future prospects
Superfinish Express is a two-de-
cade old franchise business that
has established itself as the pre-
mier company in its field of opera-
tions. Its sharp focus on using the
latest technology and equipment
and its unwavering concentration
on increasing the profitability of its
franchisees has helped to make the
company one of the
best run franchise en-
terprises in the country.
Superfinish Express
has been listed as
one of the best value
franchises in its cat-
egory (2008/09) by
the Australian Financial
Review’s Smart Business
Magazine and the company
won the Franchise Council of Aus-
tralia’s prestigious ‘Franchise Sys-
tem of the Year Award’ in 2004.
The company measures its success
by the success of its franchisees.
Caedmon Foy reveals the compa-
ny’s focus on its franchisees, “We
want our franchisees to become
more profitable by controlling their
material costs and equipment op-
eration costs. We are already work-
ing on that by organising business
training for them. We want to make
them more business savvy and bet-
ter business managers than just
“men in a van”. We have been fo-
cussing on that for the last year.”
Preferred Vendor:
Peninsula Paints