54 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
About six years ago, Council received
some grants and carried out exten-
sive refurbishment. At the same time,
the Kingston High School site was ac-
quired and the school shifted to the
Kingborough Sports Centre site.
Now there is a new High School adja-
cent to the sports centre. A new stadi-
um has been constructed along with a
gymnastics centre. Having the school
located near the sports precinct is a
great advantage as a number of fa-
cilities can be used both by students
and the local residents. This has also
helped finance the expansion of the
sports centre.
The sports centre includes the “twin
ovals”, one for cricket and the other for
Australian rules football. These have
been built to extremely high standards
and a number of international-level
players have remarked that the sur-
face is one of the best that they have
ever played on. A well-appointed Pavil-
ion services both these grounds.
The facilities at the Kingborough
Sports Centre include basketball, vol-