52 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
most important development oppor-
tunity in Kingborough and its success
will give a fillip to the whole Kingston
CBD. Council has structured the pro-
ject in a manner such that it supports
further private investment within the
rest of the central Kingston area rath-
er than competes with it.
It has done this by ensuring that a
number of additional community facil-
ities such as public parks and health
services are provided in the immedi-
ate vicinity. This will bring more resi-
dents and visitors into the area, result-
ing in greatly increasing the viability of
local businesses.
It is estimated that once the King-
ston High School site redevelopment
project is completed it will help create
about 600 new jobs for the local com-
munity. New business activity will re-
sult with an additional $80 million be-
ing injected into the local economy. In
the 10 year construction period, a sum
of $90 million will be expended for on-
site development resulting in 70 jobs
being created each year.
Referring to the Kingston High School
site development project Mayor Steve
Wass says, “Kingston has an impor-
tant role to play as a key employment
centre in Southern Tasmania and this
development will secure increased job
opportunities for our community going
“The site will also incorporate sig-
nificant components of public open
space, which will add to the overall ap-
peal for businesses, tourists and resi-
dents; it will be our heart and soul.”
“I am particularly thrilled by the ar-
chitectural competition to design the
Community Hub on the site. This com-
petition is in accordance with the Aus-
tralian Institute of Architects guide-
lines and will be open to architects
Australia wide.”
Kingston Beach
David Reeve explained the impor-
tance of Kingston Beach to Kingbor-
ough Council and the steps that have
been taken for its renewal, “It is a pop-
ular beach used by a variety of users.
In 2005, there was a master plan that
was developed, which looked at a vi-
sion for that area. It did not consider
just the foreshore portion but looked
at the whole Kingston Beach precinct.
“Council developed an overall vision
that incorporated the buildings and
businesses that we wanted to have
along the beachfront and in its imme-
diate vicinity. We put a great deal of
emphasis on developing open spaces
that would support all the varied uses
for the area. We also analysed the cur-
rent and future traffic demands and
the car parking requirements.
“Landscaping and foreshore redevel-
opment has been key to supporting the
vision for the area. Kingston Beach is
a treasured location, important for not
only the local people but also a large