Business View Australia - January-February 2016 53
number of visitors who frequent it. We
maintain the quality of the beach and
enhance it to make it an enjoyable ex-
perience for all users. The design con-
tinues to be developed in consultation
with the local community and other
visitors and we will be reviewing our
progress throughout the implementa-
tion of the plan.”
A fair amount of work has been com-
pleted on enhancing the beach fore-
shore itself and on the connecting
roads. Council is now developing the
remaining sections. Most of the financ-
ing for the work has been provided by
Council itself although it did receive
a recent grant from the state govern-
ment that has helped facilitate a small
part of the redevelopment.
Sports Precinct
About 40 years ago, Council pur-
chased a large property and subse-
quently built a sports centre on it. At
that time, it was a large investment
and a substantial amount of debt had
to be incurred for the acquisition of the
land. The sports centre proved to be
very popular with large numbers of lo-
cal residents using its facilities.
With a number of other stadiums be-
coming available in Hobart, the sports
centre’s popularity began to wane.