Business View Australia - January-February 2016 55
leyball, squash, badminton, netball
and table tennis. A fitness centre is
also available with new and interactive
machines and classes for all abilities.
All the facilities are maintained in ex-
cellent condition and local residents
use the sports centre extensively.
On the future
Kingborough Council has met with
great success in meeting the demands
of its rapidly growing population. The
prospects of the area and its residents
is best summed up by Mayor Steve
Wass, “Kingborough is a vibrant and
growing community, situated in the
midst of a beautiful and natural envi-
ronment with a peaceful lifestyle and
expanding commercial centres, with
strong services and facilities.
“The best interests of our communi-
ty are the priority in evaluating our fu-
ture and making sure that we continue
to provide the best service for ratepay-