Business View Australia - January-February 2016 69
vironmentally sustainable. These in-
volved an additional expenditure of $
700,000. The RISE has energy effi-
cient lighting, 15kW solar panels, mo-
tion sensor lighting and double airlock
entry doors to reduce electricity con-
Bike plan
The City took up an ambitious project
to improve the existing cycle network
at a local level and promote the great-
er use of cycling. This has great health
benefits for residents, is environmen-
tally friendly and also serves to con-
serve fuel.
Cardno, an engineering consultancy
was commissioned to develop a com-
prehensive Local Bike Plan for the Bay-
swater Local Government Area. Their
brief included the design of an inter-
connected cycling network to provide
a comfortable and enjoyable cycling
experience for all cyclists including
those who had only basic skills.
The bike plan involved a review of the
existing cycling infrastructure, identifi-
cation of user groups and carrying out
of community consultations.
The City wrote to local schools and
obtained inputs from the community
on what they thought were the miss-
ing links in the existing infrastructure.
Steps were initiated to identify the
routes that people wanted to use and
the process of filling in the gaps was