Business View Australia - January-February 2016 73
The Supply Chain & Logistics Associ-
ation of Australia (SCLAA) is a not-for-
profit member-based organisation run
by volunteers. Its main purpose is to
provide guidance and direction to pro-
fessionals working in this sector.
The membership of the association
includes supply chain and logistics
practitioners working in organisations
of all sizes from SMEs through to large
corporates. The SCLAA organises a
number of events at the state and na-
tional levels to serve and advance the
interests of professionals in this field.
The association adopts various meth-
ods for the development of the profes-
sion. It regularly collaborates with in-
dustry stakeholders to promote best
practices. The SCLAA has the distinc-
tion of organising the greatest number
of logistics and supply chain events at
the state and national level amongst
all associations in Australia.
The SCLAA has a national footprint
with representation from across the
country. It actively promotes women in
the supply chain and in 2015, many of
the State Division Presidents nominat-
ed were women.
Amanda O’Brien, CEO of Australian
Worldwide Logistics Pty Ltd and Na-
tional Board member of the SCLAA de-
scribes the functioning of the associa-
tion, “The SCLAA gives a voice to the
supply chain. It’s about the network,
people and their collective experienc-
es aimed to drive development of the