74 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
highest standards in the industry. We
have very professional corporations
that contribute to the knowledge base
of supply chain professionals. The as-
sociation is known as one of the most
influential National Associations deliv-
ering the best benefits for networking,
expanding knowledge and driving ex-
cellence in the Supply Chain & Logis-
tics Field end to end.
“The supply chain is growing and be-
coming far more complex. It is more
demanding and more IT-focussed than
ever before. We have aligned ourselves
to various organisations that we work
for and with. We offer logistical solu-
tions to clients both large and small
by advising them not only what they
should do to improve their transport
costs but what VAS will enhance their
productivity with the aim of achieving
a very high level of service with good
Certified Professional
Logistician certification
The association’s Certified Profes-
sional Logistician (CPL) course is a
popular certification recognised by
Australian industry. The CPL program,
which was launched in 2007 has be-
come a benchmark of excellence for
measuring capability and proficiency
within the profession of logistics and
supply chain management.