Business View Australia - January-February 2016 65
The City, an inner metropolitan lo-
cal government approximately 8 kilo-
metres north-east of central Perth,
is situated between the local govern-
ments of Swan and Stirling and forms
a corridor dividing the coastal plain
development and the semi-rural es-
carpment of the Darling Range. It has
a land area of about 33 square kilo-
metres and includes the suburbs of
Bayswater, Bedford, Embleton, May-
lands and Morley, and parts of Dianel-
la, Mount Lawley and Noranda.
Doug Pearson, Director of Technical
Services of the City of Bayswater, is
responsible for the maintenance and
upkeep of roads and footpaths, waste
management and parks and gardens
amongst his other responsibilities. De-
scribing the work carried out by the
City’s engineering team he says, “We
are a metro council and we had quite a
large engineering workforce probably
10 to 15 years ago. We were still doing
major road construction projects.
“As we are fully built out now, we are
really in the maintenance phase in
terms of our engineering. We are focus-
sing on asset preservation. Our popu-
lation is increasing so we are starting
to get more traffic. Resurfacing and
traffic management is the main focus
for our engineering side.
“We have always had a quite large
focus on our parks and gardens and
green spaces. We have a sizeable
workforce for our parks and gardens.”
Some of the major projects that the
City of Bayswater has undertaken in
the recent past are:
This is an iconic structure which was
constructed by redeveloping the out-
dated Alma Venville Centre. It was a
highly ambitious project that provides