Business View Australia - January-February 2016 67
state of the art community and recre-
ational facilities to residents. The re-
development was completed in record
time and has been financed by contri-
butions from all three tiers of govern-
The funding for the $21.5 million
multipurpose community and recrea-
tion centre included a sum of $10 mil-
lion from the Federal Government and
a further $7.1 million from Lottery-
west. In addition to this, an amount of
$ 500,000 was obtained from the De-
partment of Sports and Recreation.
In fact, the financing arrangement
is an excellent example of the coordi-
nation between the City of Bayswater
and various levels of government.
Des Abel, Director of Planning & De-
velopment Services, explained the dif-
ficulties faced at the time the project
was taken up, “The design process
was a bit of a challenge. We applied
for funding from the federal govern-
ment and in 2009-10 we got $10 mil-
lion and we had a tight time frame.
“We had to finish the project within
one and a half years. We had to do the
detailed design and construction with-
in that time frame so you can imagine
a development of that scale and na-
ture within 18 months is quite a de-
manding and challenging task that we
succeeded in completing.”
RISE is an acronym for Recreation,
Information, Socialising and Entertain-
ment and it stands for the large num-