76 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
Western Australia. Each committee is
led by a Division (State) President and
organises regular events in its area.
Each division elects a committee
member who forms part of the Nation-
al Board. This Board, in turn, elects a
Chairman to head the organisation.
The SCLAA has a depth and breadth
that cannot be matched by any other
supply chain and logistics association
in Australia.
Members benefit in several ways in-
cluding getting the opportunity to up-
grade their skills through the continu-
ing education programs offered by the
association. The regular events organ-
ised by the SCLAA offer them the op-
portunity to share ideas and knowl-
edge with fellow professionals.
In its endeavour to provide focus to
its efforts to promote the growth and
development of the profession, the
SCLAA has constituted various com-
mittees amongst its members. These
include committees that work on edu-
cation, awards, social events and re-
gional development. Additionally, there
are sub-committees for projects on
Women in Logistics, Mentoring, ca-
reer development, Future Leaders and
school-based training.
For over 50 years the SCLAA has been
running the Australian Supply Chain
& Logistics Awards, the most prestig-
ious and influential recognition in the
country’s supply chain, logistics and