78 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
transportation industry. In addition to
this, it has been organising the Supply
Chain & Logistics Conference for the
last 16 years. This national event at-
tracts professionals and practitioners
from across the country.
Increasing importance
of the supply chain and
logistics function
In Australia, there are over 1.4 mil-
lion companies with supply chain /
logistics functions. Speaking about
the great relevance of this function for
the efficient working of organisations
that range in size from SMEs to large
A m a n -
da O’Brien
says, “Tech-
nology has
c h a n g e d
things be-
cause people want real time results.
“Business partners want to know
how their freight has been moved at
every stage of the supply chain cycle.
Time is very important and we really
do have to look globally for solutions
because in Australia we can become
a little bit myopic in our view. We are
working to increase our efficiencies
and our productivity. There are a lot of
benefits we can derive by looking out-
side our shores.”
The SCLAA has entered into affilia-
tions with a number of international as-
sociations to give its members the op-
portunity to be involved in events and
information sharing opportunities. It
has tie-ups with the Asia-Pacific Logis-
tics Federation (APLF), Council of Sup-
ply Chain Management Professionals
(CSCMP), Supply Chain Management
Association-Canada (SCMA), China In-
ternational Logistics and Transporta-
tion Fair (CILF), Global Supply Chain
Council (GSCC), Vietnam Supply Chain
(VSC) and Supply Chain Council (SCC).
Speaking about the SCLAA, Amanda
O’Brien says, “We are the largest as-
sociation for supply chain and logistics
professionals and we have a proven
history of value for money and stra-
tegic reach
in looking
fes s i onal s
and practi-
tioners who
work in the
supply chain industry. More and more
employers are expecting profession-
alism in the industry and we enhance
and advance the interests of supply
chain professionals in Australia.”