52 Business View Australia - September 2015
its hotel and restaurant clients who
interact directly withMondo Di Carne’s
key operational staff. This enables
clear and direct communication
between customers and the company,
making it possible to understand the
client’s requirements and fulfil them
in an appropriate manner.
In its effort to maintain direct
communication with its clients,
Mondo Di Carne does not employ
sales representatives. This system
has been working very well and
customers appreciate that company
staff is available to understand and
fulfil their requirements.
Robert Garreffa, who is a director of
Mondo Di Carne and has a one-third
ownership stake in the company,
describes the approach taken to
address the needs of wholesale and
retail customers, “We provide a level
of service that customers will not find
elsewhere and we also endeavour
to educate our clients on what our
capabilities are and how best to utilise
those capabilities for themselves as
“We try and educate our clients on
how we operate and how they can best
help themselves with the way they
order and with the way they approach
us and the information they give us
when they are ordering to ensure that
we get it right for them first time and
every time. And I think that is reflected
in our error rates which are below 1%
now on our order fulfilment side.
“In the retail side of the business we
implemented a lot of IT infrastructure
and automated our till system, which
enables us to serve our clients
faster. Christmas is a big part of our
retail store and we service about
3,000 customers at that time. We
have automated that process and
implemented online ordering. This is
integrated with the back-end of the
business so that it all goes into one
“We have also introduced payment
gateway processing to minimise the
impact on our office staff. The system
enables customers to actually process
their own orders so that they can see
that they have got it right. At the end
of the ordering process the customer
receives an email notification of their
Mondo Di Carne’s wholesale
operation is very efficiently run by a
teamof highly skilled and trained staff.
The company has put in great effort
develop the skills of its employees and